Descargar I Have No Secrets (English Edition) de Penny Joelson Libros Gratis en EPUB

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Jemma knows who did the murder. She knows because he told her. And she can't tell anyone. Fourteen-year-old Jemma has severe cerebral palsy. Unable to communicate or move, she relies on her family and carer for everything. She has a sharp brain and inquisitive nature, and knows all sorts of things about everyone. But when she is confronted with this terrible secret, she is utterly powerless to do anything. Though that might be about to change...A page-turning thriller seen through the eyes of a unique narrator, this is a truly original, heart-rending  and compulsive book for young adult readers. Perfect for fans of Wonder, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time and Looking for JJ.  Penny Joelson has worked with disabled people since she was a teenager, which gave her the inspiration and insight for this book. She teaches creative writing and lives in London with her family. Find Penny on Twitter: @pennyjoelson 

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