Descarga The Summer of Broken Things [Idioma Inglés] de Margaret Peterson Haddix Libro PDF

Gratis The Summer of Broken Things [Idioma Inglés] de Margaret Peterson Haddix PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis, Descargar Gratis The Summer of Broken Things [Idioma Inglés] Spanish Edition

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Reseña del editor From New York Times bestselling author Margaret Peterson Haddix comes a novel about friendship and what it really means to be a family in the face of lies and betrayal.Fourteen-year-old Avery Armisted is athletic, rich, and pretty. Sixteen-year-old Kayla Butts is known as “butt-girl” at school. The two girls were friends as little kids, but that’s ancient history now. So it’s a huge surprise when Avery’s father offers to bring Kayla along on a summer trip to Spain. Avery is horrified that her father thinks he can choose her friends—and make her miss soccer camp. Kayla struggles just to imagine leaving the confines of her small town. But in Spain, the two uncover a secret their families had hidden from both of them their entire lives. Maybe the girls can put aside their differences and work through it together. Or maybe the lies and betrayal will only push them—and their families—farther apart. Margaret Peterson Haddix weaves together two completely separate lives in this engaging novel that explores what it really means to be a family—and what to do when it’s all falling apart. Biografía del autor Margaret Peterson Haddix is the author of many critically and popularly acclaimed YA and middle grade novels, including the Children of Exile series, The Missing series, the Under Their Skin series, and the Shadow Children series. A graduate of Miami University (of Ohio), she worked for several years as a reporter for The Indianapolis News. She also taught at the Danville (Illinois) Area Community College. She lives with her family in Columbus, Ohio. Visit her at

Beckys book reviews the summer of broken things the summer of broken things margaret peterson haddix 2018 simon amp schuster 393 pages source review copy first sentence we need to talk dad says premiseplot the summer of broken things is set in spain and stars two very different heroines avery and kayla

The summer of broken things by margaret peterson haddix the summer of broken things is just that a story about two girls whose worlds seem to collide and fall apart while on summer vacation together and the ways it changed them averys father must travel to spain for the summer and insists that not only she come with him but that they bring along a girl she once knew as a young child kayla

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The summer of broken things book by margaret peterson title the summer of broken things format paperback product dimensions 400 pages 825 x 55 x 1 in shipping dimensions 400 pages 825 x 55 x 1 in published april 9 2019 publisher simon amp schuster books for young readers language english

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